9 Health Benefits of Watermelon

9 health benefits of Watermelon

The name ‘Watermelon’ itself gives a clue about the vast benefits it can give to the body. Well, it is such an amazing fruit that everybody loves to have and if you’re someone who doesn’t find this fruit lovely, here we’re listing the 9 amazing health benefits of watermelon that will make you fall in love with melons.

Why is Watermelon considered to be Beneficial?

Watermelon is made up of 90% water, thus it is naturally more suited to consumption in the summertime. While only one cup of watermelon’s high moisture content juiciness may revitalize and rejuvenate you after a nice summer exercise, it may also leave you refreshed and energized.

One way or another, watermelon is a refreshing summertime treat. Calories in one serving of the sweet fruit: 46, carbohydrates: 11.6, fat: 0.2, and protein: 0.9. Melon has 21% of the DV of Vitamin C, 18% of the DV of Vitamin A, and a glycemic load of 3%.

Some nutritionists and nutrition researchers have taken note of watermelon’s lycopene levels — at 15 to 20 milligrams per 2-cup portion, which is more than any other form of fresh food.  Lycopene is a phytonutrient, which would be a naturally occurring molecule found in plants that interacts with the human body to initiate health-promoting responses. This pigment, also known as carotenoids, is found in red fruits like watermelon.

Lycopene has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, bone fractures, and colon cancer. Additionally, it has also been demonstrated to be an antioxidant, believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Allow your watermelon to mature fully for maximum lycopene absorption. Lycopene is more concentrated as the darker your watermelon grows. As the watermelon ripens, beta-carotene and phenol antioxidant levels both increase.

Top 9 Health Benefits of Watermelon

1. This helps to lessen muscular pain

Watermelon juice, which was eaten before exercising, reduced muscular stiffness and decreased the amount of time it took to return to normal levels of heart rate. For those who are watermelon-lovers, there is good news: drinking watermelon juice prior to working out may help lower the amount of muscular stiffness and blood pressure the following day. Watermelon’s amino acid residues citrulline and arginine increase circulation because of their role in increasing circulation.

2. Reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome

While being part of a healthy diet, this fruit enables your kidneys to convert L-citrulline (amino acid) into L-arginine (amino acid). Accordingly, these two amino acids prevent you from developing diabetes. Citing Medically Speaking, Watermelon Contains an L-Arginine Supplement That Promotes Glucose Metabolism and Insulin.

3. May assist with weight reduction

No matter how you go about it, incorporate some nutritious fruit to your weight reduction diet. This fruit has a majority of water in it, which means you will feel satisfied and hence will have less of a desire for your favorite snack. So, if you are hoping to lighten your diet, include this light-on-the-inside fruit in your diet.

4.Treats tooth decay

Wondering about your periodontal health? Eat 1 cup of watermelon each day to help avoid it! Patients with this illness suffer from dental decay, infections, and are also predisposed to other cardiovascular conditions. Reducing the periodontal disease’s impacts is possible because of the role of vitamin C. That’s all you need to do—just eat some melon each day and your overall health will benefit.

5. It fights cancer

Lycopene receives a second accolade. In research, the watermelon compound lycopene has been discovered to limit the spread of cancer. Watermelon contains a pigment called lycopene, which gives it its distinctive red color. This antioxidant has shown potential in helping to prevent some cancers from starting. It has also been discovered to have an anti-HPV effect, which might contribute to the development of uterine cancer if left untreated.

6. Good for Hair and skin

One cup of watermelon provides about one-quarter of your recommended daily amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A is an important nutrient that keeps skin and hair hydrated, as well as helps the body produce collagen and elastin. Additionally, vitamin C has been shown to assist in proper collagen development.

7. Benefits of Watermelon during Pregnancy

Luckily, the health benefits of watermelon widen when you’re pregnant. A large quantity of watermelon may soothe the stomach and food tract. A pregnant woman may have issues with her digestive system, such as indigestion and discomfort. The cooling characteristics of watermelon alleviate these difficulties, helping to provide immediate relief. It is also important to consume plenty of water during pregnancy to help combat dryness. Premature birth may result from dehydration. So pregnant ladies! Then the next time the chest begins to ache, go and get yourself a watermelon for a sugar rush and you’ll be good as new!

8. Asthma is prevented

Again, long live lycopene! Because of its ability to be a potent antioxidant, lycopene helps to reduce the symptoms of a common cold. Asthma bursts in youngsters were reduced by this antioxidant. Watermelon helps asthmatics to breathe more easily by allowing them to take every breath in an even manner, instead of hyperventilating. Researchers surveyed a group of asthmatic persons and found that lycopene could have a potential benefit for the condition.

9. Benefits of Watermelon for digestion

Watermelon doesn’t have a lot of fiber, but it does have some fiber that assists in proper intestinal function. Fruit is full of liquid and soluble fiber, which has been shown to help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora. Prebiotics are closely associated with a healthy immune system, fighting inflammation, and having a beneficial emotional impact. While prebiotics may help to increase mineral absorption, enhance the risk of diabetes, and reduce the risk of colon cancer, they do not have any known direct benefits for health in general.

Not just the above, Watermelon’s vitamins make an excellent addition to your immune system. Use vitamin C for battling illness and the damaging effects of free radicals. It also helps your immune response create antibodies and make red blood cells when you eat Vitamin B 6 -enriched watermelon. Furthermore, watermelon has an abundance of Vitamin A, which aids the immune function and keeps you free of illness.

Essential Nutrient Content in Watermelon

Additionally, below are some further details on this fruit’s nutritional benefits-

Lycopene: Almost all of the watermelon’s advantages are attributed to this vital component, which is often found in watermelon.

Essential vitamins: Fruit is chock-full of nutrients. Vitamins A and C are present in large amounts in watermelon. The watermelon contains carotenoids as a type of vitamin A. Additionally, watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is found in fresh watermelon in quantities of roughly 12 milligrams per cup.

Calorie count: Watermelon is a relatively low-calorie fruit. According to an analysis, only approximately 46 calories are found in a single serving of watermelon.

High in potassium: watermelon has around 4% of the daily recommended value of potassium in a cup of diced watermelon.

Fiber content: Three to four grams of dietary fiber is obtained from one hundred seventy to two hundred calories of fresh watermelon.

Carbohydrates: The 11.6 grams of carbs included in one serving of watermelon include dietary fiber, starch, and sugars.

Fat concentration: It has a very low-fat content in the fruit. It only contains 0.2 grams of total fat in a single serving.

Are there any side effects with Watermelon?

Potassium plus lycopene may accumulate in your body if you regularly eat large amounts of watermelon. Though it is a good idea to limit your daily intake of lycopene to 30 mg, this is not an absolute need. This may occur if the daily maximum dosage is exceeded. Then you may experience diarrhea, gastritis, bloating, and vomiting. To get great results, simply drink one cup of watermelon each day.

Good Read: 8 Proven Health Benefits of Pineapple 


Through losing weight to improved digestion and intestinal motions, you must include this in your regular diet to gain the amazing health benefits of watermelon. Hope you liked this article. Stay tuned and check out more health blogs on the way.

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