Top 10 calcium-rich foods for pregnancy

Calcium-rich foods for Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body will need several nutrients in a higher amount than normal. For example, you need to take more iron to ensure that RBCs are produced in adequate quantities. Similarly, protein is needed for proper tissue formation of the placental and fetus.
One such nutrient which is essential for every pregnant woman is calcium. Be it the dietary calcium or the non-dairy one. This mineral ensures strong bones not only for the mother but also for the fetus. As calcium needs to be consumed from food sources, it is imperative to know the calcium-rich foods for pregnancy one can take.

This article will discuss the top ten best foods high in calcium content that is safe for you and your baby.

Why calcium is essential during pregnancy?

According to several reports from NCBI. It has been proven that a transfer of ionised calcium occurs between the mother and the fetus during the 20th week of gestation. This transfer is made through the placenta at a rate of 50 mg per day as the days progress. The transfer rate increases, with an approximate amount of 330 mg per day during the 35th week.

Apart from this, calcium is also needed for maintaining calcium homeostasis in the mothers. The mother’s body needs to maintain the calcium levels and three other hormones, including calcitonin and parathyroid hormones. This will prevent some serious calcium deficiency implications like increased renal discharge, expanded amniotic sacs, increased amniotic fluid, and others.

Calcium is also needed for stronger bones and better muscle contractions at the time of birth. The fetal bones and muscles are formed properly only when adequate calcium transfer takes place through the placenta. So, yes, you must take calcium-rich foods for pregnancy.

When should you start taking calcium during pregnancy?

The ideal time to focus on your calcium intake is around the 19th to 20th week. During this time, you should include the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy in your diet. The doctor should supervise the administration of the regular intake amount. This is because both iron and calcium, if taken simultaneously, will cause adverse reactions. Hence, the timing and the quantity must be discussed with the gynaecologist before your consumption.

Top 10 calcium-rich foods for pregnancy

Several foods are there which are considered to be wonderful sources of calcium. But, not all of them are safe for pregnancy. This is why here, we have listed down some of the foods rich in calcium safe for pregnancy that you can include in your maternity diet.


Yoghurt is one of the healthiest foods that you can take while being pregnant. Even though it’s made from milk, the fermentation process converts the dairy lactogen into lactic acid. Hence, it wouldn’t put pressure on your gut if you are lactose intolerant. Yoghurt is rich in calcium, and the percentage varies with the type.

  • Greek yoghurt contains 126 mg of calcium per 100 grams.
  • Low-fat yoghurt consists of 162 mg calcium per 100 grams.
  • Low-fat fruit yoghurt contains 140 mg calcium per 100 grams.

You can take yoghurt with fruit salad or oatmeal. Yoghurt can also be added to healthy, pregnancy-safe smoothies and shakes. It one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy that will bring a change in your palette.

Sardines – Calcium-rich foods for Pregnancy

If you are looking for non-dairy calcium-rich foods for pregnancy, sardines will be an ideal option. This sea fish is very low in mercury levels, almost zero. Hence, it’s the safest option. Apart from being high in calcium, sardines also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. This monosaturated compound is helpful for the brain and eye development of the fetus.

Canned sardines consist of 679 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Taking sardine is easy as you can pair it with any meal. They mainly come in canned forms, including the spine, which contains most of the calcium. You can use the sardine in a sandwich or as a cracker.


One of the best supplementary calcium-rich foods for pregnancy is tofu if you are allergic to cottage cheese. Several types of tofu are present in the market, like silken tofu, firm tofu, regular tofu, etc. Besides being rich in calcium, tofu is a low-fat source of protein. It also contains potassium that prevents hypertension.

Firm tofu contains about 253 mg calcium per 100 grams.
Soft tofu contains 138 mg calcium per 100 grams.

Tofu can be eaten in various ways, like in hot dogs or warm soup. Fried tofu is also safe for pregnancy and is a calcium-rich snack for a pregnant lady.

Cheddar – Calcium-rich foods for Pregnancy

If you are craving cheese during your pregnancy, you can include cheddar in your nutrition plan. Cheddar will not only help in having a change of palette, but also it contains a high amount of calcium.
In 100 grams of cheddar, 739 mg of calcium is present approximately.
Cheddar cheese can be taken in several ways. You can make a heartfelt breakfast sandwich with cheddar besides ham, eggs, candied bacon, and some greens. You can even add a mix of cheddar, mozzarella and parmesan to your pasta or spaghetti. As cheddar is quite versatile, it is one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy.

Kale – Calcium-rich foods for Pregnancy

Leafy greens are quite beneficial under normal health conditions. And the benefits are further heightened during pregnancy. That’s why many nutritionists urge pregnant women to include different kinds of leafy vegetables. Kale is one of the most common calcium-rich foods vegetarian that you can take.
Boiled kale contains 150 mg calcium per 100-gram serving.
Raw kale leaves consists of 90.5 mg calcium per 100 gram.

You can take kale with salads or in sandwich and burgers. If you do not like this leafy vegetable’s rawness, you can boil the leaves and then include them in your diet.


Nuts are essential during pregnancy, especially almonds. These foods are rich in monosaturated fatty acids and several minerals and vitamins. Almonds are also rich in calcium, and that is why we have included this in our list.
In whole almond nuts, you will have 240mg of calcium per 100-gram serving.
Almonds can be taken in various ways, making them one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy. Almond milk is a great supplement if you are dairy intolerant. You can even include almonds in crackers, homemade granola bars, morning cereals, and others.


No other food will be as good as milk in terms of calcium source. Milk is very important during pregnancy, especially if you can tolerate the lactose present in this food.
Skimmed milk will have 120mg of calcium per 100 MLS.
116 mg of calcium is present per 100 ml of whole milk.
In the semi-skimmed milk, you will have 116mg of calcium per 100 MLS.

Milk can be added as a morning beverage. You can also add this food to smoothies, shakes, cereals, and even homemade desserts.


Out of various fruits rich in calcium for pregnancy, figs are quite popular. However, it would be best to take dried figs during your pregnancy as the raw ones are not suitable.
Every 100 grams of dried figs will contain 230mg of calcium.

Sesame seeds

Another great source of calcium that you can take is sesame seeds. These seeds are not only rich in calcium but also consists of fibres and iron in adequate quantities.
Per 100 grams of sesame seeds will provide you 670mg of calcium.
Now, taking sesame seeds might be a problem for you. You can sprinkle these seeds in your sandwich or burgers. Even homemade hotdogs, pies, and other baked dishes can have sesame seeds as a topping. If you are not happy with whole-grain seeds, you can use the tahini paste in your meals. Tahini is a sesame seed paste, making these seeds one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy.

Dates – Calcium-rich foods for Pregnancy

Lastly, you can include dates in your maternity diet as this fruit has a huge amount of calcium in it. Several types of dates are present in the market. And usually, the calcium content varies according to the variety you are buying.
Medjool dates contain 64mg of calcium per 100 grams.
Barhi dates contain 40mg of calcium per 100 grams.
Dried safari dates contain 132mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Dates can be taken in the form of smoothies and shakes. You can even include this fruit as an evening snack. Different pies, especially the pecan pieces, include dates as a topping.


Yes, many pregnant women are prescribed to take calcium supplements. But, along with these supplements, you can also rely on calcium-rich foods for pregnancy. With this, not only you will get other vitamins and minerals in your body, but also you can enjoy a change of palette. As the foods we have discussed here are safe for a pregnant woman. Make sure to include as many as possible in your daily diet. After all, nothing comes above your baby’s health!