10 Breathing Exercises for lungs

Breathing Exercises

Breathing is one of the essential processes for sustaining the life of an organism. There are different types of breathing exercises that have many different types of utilisations. Breathing exercises help in enhancing the flow of oxygen in the lungs. These also play an important role in reducing stress and anxiety. These exercises are really easy to practice. You will enjoy doing this breathing exercise every day.

The list of these breathing exercises has been summarised as follows.

Pursue lip breathing

This is a simple breathing technique in which you have to control the speed of your breathing. In this technique, you have to slow down your breathing speed by applying and effort in each breath. This exercise can be practiced at any time but gives maximum results when practiced in the morning. This exercise gives the best results, especially during bending lifting and stair climbing. Many health experts recommend this exercise for the proper functioning of the lungs. To do this exercise, you have to relax your neck and Shoulders. You have to keep your mouth closed, and then you can inhale through your nose for 2 seconds. The speed of exhaling would be less because the same breath has to be released in 4 seconds. This helps in supplying oxygen to the lungs.

Diaphragmatic breathing

This type of breathing is done with the help of the belly. These belly breathing exercises should be practiced 3 to 4 times a day. It is indeed the best way to relax whenever you feel stressed. For performing the exercise, you have to lie on your back with your knees bent. You can even put a supporting pillow beneath your knees. Both hands have to be placed on the chest. You have to inhale by pressing your hand against the stomach slowly. Then, you can exhale with the help of tightened stomach muscles.

Breath focus techniques

This is the most amazing breathing exercise for you to relax and enjoy. This is one of the techniques with the help of which you can feel relaxed by concentrating on any of your interests. A 10-minute session is enough for the success of this exercise. This is one of the easiest forms of exercise in which you need to sit down at a comfortable place. You have to think about any area of your interest without changing the speed of your breathing. With every inhale, you have to imagine that this oxygen builds waves of peace and calmness throughout the body. For every exhale you make, you have to wash away all your tensions and struggles. It helps in filling the lungs with oxygen and reduces the stress of the body.

Lion’s Breath – Breathing Exercises

This is the most energizing yoga breathing exercise. This exercise can be performed by sitting in a comfortable position. You have to face your palms against your knees. You have to breathe in and breathe out air expeditiously. While breathing, you have to open up your throat and make a long sound. This has to be repeated at least two to three times. It is really helpful to calm yourself down and keep your lungs in a good state of health.

Alternate nostril breathing

This is one of the most famous exercises in Sanskrit. It is a type of breathing that is done for relaxation. It is really easy to perform. All you have to do is be seated comfortably and then lift your right hand towards your nose. Once you have exhaled out air, the right thumb of your right hand would be closing your right nostril. Then you have to inhale your left nostril, and once you have eggs healed, you have to close your left nostril with the thumb of your left hand. You have to continue this exercise for at least five minutes once a day.

Equal Breathing

this is one of the most important techniques with the help of which your breathing can be controlled. This is not very difficult. You can choose the choice of the speed that you are comfortable with. For this exercise, you have to breathe in and breathe out through your nose. You have to take a slight pause during the breathing process before starting again. It is really helpful to enhance your stamina for doing exercises like yoga and aerobics.

Coherent Breathing

This is also known as resonant breathing. In this breathing, you have to breathe at the rate of 5 full breathes per minute. Then you have to inhale and exhale at the count of 5. You have to continue doing this exercise for at least five minutes for the best results to follow.

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Site health

This breathing exercise plays a vital role in lowering body temperature. In addition, it helps you to relax your mind. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce the possibility of allergies due to pollution. In this exercise, you have to inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. doing this exercise for at least five minutes brings many advantages to the body.

Deep breathing

This is indeed the best way to calm yourself down. By following this method, you can relieve yourself from the problems like shortness of breath. It also prevents the oxygen from getting trapped inside your lungs. This exercise can be performed while sitting or standing. All you have to do is to take a deep breath and retain the same for 5 seconds. Then you have to release your breath Slowly.

Humming exercise

It is a unique yoga exercise that creates an instant feeling of calmness. As a part of this exercise, you have to sit in a very comfortable position and close your eyes. Then, you have to inhale the breath, and once you are done with this, you have to keep your mouth closed and make a loud humming sound. You have to continue this exercise till the time you feel comfortable.


These exercises are performed regularly by people and are helpful for the maintenance of health. It is essential to understand the different types of aspects of breeding and helps you to calm yourself down.