How To Get Fair Skin

Wondering how to get fair skin? Do you want an attractive, fair and glowing complexion? If so, then you are not alone. Every woman wants to look great, fair and attractive, especially on her wedding day. No matter what type of skin you have, you can always make your skin look younger and healthy naturally.

The beauty of your skin depends on your lifestyle that includes your food, your drinks, and the products you use.  Your daily routine could make a lot of difference to your body and face. Just like any part of your body, your skin can sometimes be well or unwell. Every day your skin is affected by radiation, dust, and a drastic diet. For this reason, you need to treat your skin well.
Most people often buy various products to make their skin glow at the cost of their hard-earned money. However, glowing skin is within your reach, You don’t have to spend your fortune on cream or potion to make your face look its best.

Fair Skin Home Remedies

Lemon and Honey

Lemon and Honey can work wonders for your skin. Lemon can remove your dead skin cells, acne, and discoloration,  while honey works as a natural antioxidant and antibacterial. To use this method, mix both honey and lemon of 1 tablespoon each and dissolve them properly. Moisten your face and apply all over your face and leave it for about 15-20 minutes to let your skin soak up all the goodness. And wash your face thoroughly with cold water and gently pat dry using a clean soft cloth.

Egg and honey:

Egg white can protect you from the environmental harm that inescapably affects your skin, as the white eggs contain an element known as Lysozyme, which helps to wipe out acne and repair the tissue, eliminate toxins and other rashes. Use a clean bowl to mix the egg and honey. Mix the white egg with 1 tablespoon of honey and stir it well, until it obtains a foamy egg white look.  You can also mix lemon juice to cover the smelly odor of the white egg. After wetting your face, Apply the solution to your face gently, and wait for 10-15 minutes to let it absorbed, when it has completely dried, scrub it off gently using warm water.  And Dry your face using a soft towel.

Cucumber and yogurt:

Cucumber can clean and pacify sunburn skin and yogurt can hydrate your skin and remove your acne due to lactic acid in it. Peel and cut the cucumber into small cubes, removing the seeds and mix with yogurt until it consistently becomes similar to that of applesauce. Apply to your face gently with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area. You can put the sliced cucumber on your eyes, they can remove the darkness under your eye. Leave it for at least 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off using warm water.

Tomato for fair skin:

Tomato is a good source of Lycopene, this element can help to clear up your acne and improve your skin antioxidant status

Water for fair skin:

Water is the key to keep your skin glowing. Almost 60 percent of the human body is made up of water.  When you keep your body well hydrated your skin will be well-nourished and your complexion becomes radiant.  Coconut water, fruit juice can work wonders for your skin, it not only keep you well hydrated, but it will also detoxify your skin and keep it soft and fair.


According to the study, Kiwi can help your skin avert wrinkles and persist your skin healthy. The antioxidant found in kiwi is also known to protect you from cancer and heart disease.

Dark chocolate:

Helps skin to keep hydrated and protect from ultraviolet radiation. The best kind of dark chocolate is which contains at least 70 percent of cocoa. Green Tea helps to fair skin: is packed with antioxidants and Dihydro-testosterone ( DHT) which has the ability to lower the acne and make your skin look younger and healthier. There is an old saying “we are what we eat”, food and lifestyle affect our daily lives, your appearance and you’re well being. Every cell in your body is shaped by what you eat and drink.  Therefore, Be aware that you eat the right food.

Fair Skin For Girls

The notion of fairer, smoother, and flawless skin is a beauty standard that everybody universally crazes for. This beauty standard of fair or fairer skin is at your reach, provided you chose the right method.

There are countless beauty products that lighten your skin and give you the desired skin tone you want. But what is more preferable, than to get it naturally? There are many natural ways to become beautiful and lighten your complexion without having to let you spend so much of bucks on beauty products and worry about the side effect in the long run.
Turning to natural ways of skin treatment is a wise choice. The followings are some affordable and reliable tips of home remedies for better complexion anybody can afford on your own.

Tips on How to Become Healthy and Fair Naturally

1: Get Your Beauty Sleep:

Remember the beauty Sleep? Sleep the best food and natural medicine for your health so also, it is the best natural skin lightening agent. Sleep naturally moisturizes, rejuvenates and revitalizes the skin. Good sleep can make you glow and feel younger and energized. Sleep deprivation worsens skin condition by causing acne breakouts, dark circles, visible wrinkles, puffy eyes and dullness, and dryness of skin.  

2: Stay Safe In The Sun:

Sun is the wicked potential enemy of your skin. Always keep your skin protected from sunlight. Most of the skin darkening, pigmentation discoloration, and tanning is caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun. The damage done to your skin by this ray is easy to get rid of.  So when you are required to go outdoors, make sure to always wear sun protection sunscreen with an SPF not less than 30. Also, make sure to use an umbrella or wear a sun-protecting hat. Prevention is better than cure! 

3: Eat Healthy:

In the World of Processed Food: Eat healthy food and have proper intact of right vitamins. Consumption of lots of fruits and vegetables can give you a visible result of your healthy skin. The intact vitamins containing food and fruits are vital for healthy skin. Some of the fruits and food that are good for healthy skin are lemons, oranges, strawberries, carrots, beetroot gooseberries, watermelon, tomatoes, papayas, bananas and food like egg yolk and non-fat milk.  

Drink lots of water. Dehydration of the body makes the skin dull. Water is the best natural cure to flush out the toxins in your stomach. Drink a considerable amount of fruit juice.  Remember, what goes wrong down there in your stomach is reflected on your face.

4: Patience And Consistency The key: 

The constant reminder you have to remind yourself while undergoing home skin lightening treatment is. “Rome was not built in a day”. Lightening skin is not a task to get the result immediately. It’s tedious a process and takes time. Therefore, patience with consistency in your treatment is the key to achieve the healthy and glowing skin.