Losing Weight with the Diet of Pineapple and Aloe Vera!

Pineapple and Aloe Vera

In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, these two ingredients are great diuretics, so when combined we get eliminate toxins, reduce swelling and reduce cellulite. The combination of pineapple and aloe Vera (aloe Vera) is a remedy that is becoming increasingly important to lose weight. And not only that, its properties for health are very adequate, it detoxifies us, it deflates us, it heals… Therefore, it will be good to include it in our diet with the assurance that we are taking care of our body. You dare? We explain it to you!

How can Pineapple and Aloe Help me Lose Weight?

Recently a bioenergetics medicine study was carried out, where the great properties of these two plants was determined. They are economical and they are attributed great natural wonders that are well worth knowing:

  • They have benefits for digestive system problems. As for example colitis, gastritis, irritation of the colon … Deflate and detoxify.
  • The combination of pineapple and aloe Vera, relieves inflammation, reduces pain and heaviness.
  • It is an excellent remedy for constipation.
  • In addition, the mixture of these two ingredients has great diuretic principles, cleaning the kidneys and even blood.
  • Drinking smoothies with aloe and pineapple also strengthens our nails and our hair, thanks to its multiple vitamins and minerals.
  • They prevent thrombosis and improve circulation.
  • It helps us reduce cholesterol and uric acid.
  • Its ability to reduce cellulite is highlighted, a mixture that favors our cleansing of the body and our detoxification. Our intestines are clean, while we refine our kidneys better. All this helps us lose weight and burn fat. As you know, pineapple is an excellent fruit, present in all diets. We can consume them in the quantity that we want, finding, in addition, a satisfying sensation, and helping us to digest every meal with which we accompany it.
  • The aloe, which as you know is almost devoid of flavor. It is astringent, cleanser, eliminates waste and reduces the swelling of our belly.

How not to prove together these two elements so flattering?

Diet to Lose Weight with Pineapple and Aloe Vera

Now that we know the many benefits of pineapple and aloe, we will apply this ideal tonic to lose weight in our daily lives.

“This diet is basically depurative and detoxifying”.

Therefore, it is appropriate to do it about ten days in a row per month, following a nutrition low in fat, without missing the proteins. In this way, we will lose weight. We explain how:

Aloe and Pineapple Smoothie to Start the Day

How about we start the day with a nutritious and healthy aloe and pineapple juice ? It is perfect to start with energy, purifying our body and improving our intestinal health. Take note:


  • 2 large pineapple slices
  • 1 large spoonful of aloe Vera
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax or linseed
  • A glass of water


  • To take this excellent milkshake in the morning, the first thing we will do is prepare the aloe pulp. Just a spoonful, with the translucent gel of the center.
  • Next, we take it to the blender and introduce also the pineapple, the spoonful of flax seeds, the glass of water and that’s it.
  • Finally, get a well homogenous juice, introducing the glass of water when all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Remember to take it during these ten days in a row; in this way we will obtain excellent cleansing effects at the same time that we will burn fat. Also, if you include a couple of cubes you will get a refreshing smoothie that you will love.

How to Follow the Diet of Pineapple and Aloe for the Rest of the Day

It is very simple; remember that, as we have already told you, this diet you will follow for ten days every month. We will start the day with the aforementioned shake of pineapple, aloe and flax seeds.


  • On the one hand, after your lunch and dinner, you should have a glass of aloe juice. In this way, we will digest food better, purifying fats and toxins. It is indicated that you avoid fats, fried foods, refined flours … It will be ideal if you prepare good salads in which you combine fruits.
  • For example: combine spinach with pineapple or orange pieces with walnuts, together with turkey breast chunks. In this way you will obtain proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • And you know, after lunch and dinner, get yourself a glass of aloe juice. To do this, you just have to take a teaspoon of the pulp of aloe, a glass of water and, if you wish, a little honey. Take it to the blender and mix everything well.
  • The dinner should be light, a baked eggplant for example, a pineapple and papaya salad, and then another cup of aloe. Remember to have dinner two hours before going to bed. And when you go to do it, before going to sleep, end the day with another glass of pineapple juice.

Little by little you will see the results. Of course, do not forget to lead an active and healthy life where there is some exercise to lose weight. Enough with only half an hour a day! In any case, if you want to lose weight it is best to consult a professional.