Does Eating Dry Fruits Help in Weight Loss?

With obesity and Type 2 diabetes cases on the rise, how to lose weight fast is a very common question that one may ask. Needless to say, diet plans and low carb diets that were once a fad have now become a necessity.

Being overweight may lead to severe illnesses like cardiovascular diseases and inflammation, increasing the risk of cardiac failures. Furthermore, being out of shape also leads to ailments like anorexia and bulimia.

Even a mere comment or not so “Instagram-worthy” picture could be the cause of your depression. However, many people do set workout goals but fail to follow them religiously. This might be because of the difficulty in shedding those extra kilos, as often your body tends to have low metabolism rates. Also, some people can’t do away without snacking.

With such concerns in mind, we have come up with the best dry fruits for weight loss. So say goodbye to all your worries and check out the options we have in store!

Dry Fruits is the Deal. 

You could ask why dry fruits over regular snacks. Dry fruits are full of essential nutrients, and most of them are known as super foods due to their better value of nutrition. Thus, choosing them over other snacks reduces your carbohydrate intake and induces weight loss.

Moreover, dry fruits are an excellent option for those with a lower rate of metabolism. It is because specific types of dry fruits maximize your metabolism rate, which helps you to lose weight.

Given the wide array of options available, never go by the false claims and advertisements available online. Many of the products have added sugar which can have just the opposite of the desired effect. Thus fresh and hand-picked dry fruits is what you need.

Here’s a list to help you sort:


Almonds have very low-calorie content. Intake of small amounts of almonds regularly can provide your body with high levels of nutrients, thus improving your overall health score.


Pistachios are a good option for those who like snacking frequently. Additionally, these nuts are rich in fiber, which is good for digestion and aids bowel movement.


Apart from being a delicious dose, cashews provide more than 50% of the recommended magnesium. It’s very effective for weight loss because magnesium accelerates the rate of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.


It becomes difficult for the ones following a low salt diet to find a choice with less salt with weight loss properties. Raisins would be your go-to in such situations.


Rare kind of dry fruit, which contains good fat such as ‘Omega 3, Fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid. These fats help you to ‘reduce fat’. All those who have cardiovascular problems can get rid of them easily. Having walnuts will help in the growth of the hair. 

How to Consume Nuts on Daily Basis?

 Munching a bowl of raw nuts can be annoying most of the time. Instead, try blending all into a smoothie and relish your “healthy snack”.


Having larger portions of meals and munching dry fruits can never help you to lose weight. The perfect way is to have anything in the right proportion. Weight loss is a journey of finding oneself in a better way. Sleeping well, having Yoga, Exercise should also be a part of the whole journey. Forcing into anything that makes you feel uneasy will work as a hustle to your diet.